On the Rock Media

COURSE – “There’s always Hope”

Happy in Bocca Tomatlan


Hello everyone, I am Lisa Hope. I am going to guide you through the steps I took to find myself and true happiness while in my empty nest.

I knew the day would come, and the kids would grow up and want to start lives of their own. To be completely honest, there were times that I wished it would come. I think that we all have at one time or another. You would be lying to yourself if you think that you didn't at least once.

Being a parent was the hardest job that I ever had. I had 4 little souls in my care. Scares me to think about it now. It was my number one job and everything I did was related to them in one way or another.

I wondered around aimlessly for about 6 months, trying to find my footing. I moved back to the town I grew up in, thinking that if I started from scratch, I would find the right answers. It only left me farther away from myself and completely lost.

When my youngest left the home, I was completely lost. I had no idea who I was or what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life. They were my motivation, my courage, and my reasons for everything.

I had begun my spiritual journey 4 years prior to this and decided to take another look at that. What did I have left to lose? I needed to believe in something, that is what I was drawn to, so I went towards it.

I moved to Vancouver Island and things started to fall into place. I met the right people and they shared the tools for me to look deep inside myself.

It wasn't until the pandemic hit that I had the time to dive into these tools a bit more. I started applying them to my everyday routine. It was easy, we were on lockdown and I was alone in my comfortable basement suite, time had become irrelevant.

In this course I am going to share the steps that I took to find my happiness and ultimately who I really am as a person, what makes me tick, and who I am outside of being a mom.

I will help you find your inner child, give you tools to calm your anxiety, teach you how to celebrate your accomplishments, touch on faith, how you can find your creativity, connect your mind, body, and soul, and help you learn how to truly love yourself.

I am excited so lets get started! In the first module we will go reconnect to your inner child. I will see you there!

Theres Always Hope Cover


  • Module 1 – Inner Child
  • Module 2 – Calm Yourself
  • Module 3 – Accomplishments
  • Module 4 – Believe
  • Module 5 – Creativity
  • Module 6 – Mind/Body/Soul
  • Module 7 – Love Yourself Already

Guided meditations

  • Breath Into Your Inner Child
  • Just Breathe
  • Celebrate Your Accomplishments
  • Just Believe
  • Feel The Creativity
  • Mind/Body/Soul
  • Love Yourself Already

Sign Me Up!

I believe that EVERYONE who needs help finding peace and happiness in their lives should have access to these tools. I offer all my courses by donation only. Not everyone has the money to pay the high prices for information that can improve your mental wellness.

With that in mind, pay only what you can honestly afford, if that happens to be nothing right now, that is okay too. I share my love and light either way! We need to help each other, not add on the stress!
