Calming Yourself
Hello again, I am so happy to see you, so glad you could made it to module 2!
In this module we are going to learn hot to use the tools to help calm yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious.
Our mind is a very powerful tool in itself. Once we learn how to use our mind to calm the rest of our body, we can calm it too.

I found some very helpful tools on my journey to keep me calm. I am very grateful to the people that shared them with me, I want to share them with you now. You will be able to use them, not only for staying above those waves of adversity, but to help you find peace in everyday situations. We can’t be happy 100% of the time, but we can learn how to find calmness at any moment.
Please use a journal or your computer to answer these questions.
You will want to keep these and refer back to your answers as needed.
There are no right or wrong answers, these are for you to experience in your own way, so it works best for you.
Be honest with yourself, these are for you, so the more you put into it, they more you will get out of it.

Life always seems to find a way to go sideways from time to time and things seem to be out of our control. Everyday holds its own challenges, that’s for sure.
Being truly happy means that you need to be able to ride those waves, while still keeping that smile naturally upon your face and possibly even enjoy them.
Rain Breathing
Ocean Breathing
Stream Breathing
I am in control of what I do and what I am thinking at all times. Yes, you read that right, I am in control of my thoughts. You are too, believe that. If the incident that pulled me into an anxious state seems more overwhelming than usual, I say that to myself a few times, until I believe it. You will eventually too if you say it enough times. Sometimes it does take some encouragement on your part, negative things will enter your mind. You just need to notice them and change the thought. I am here offering you that. Remember, we are in control of what we say to ourselves in our own head.
I remember a time when I was driving my cab and got overwhelmed with how busy it was. I had not stopped picking people up for hours. I seriously needed a bathroom break and something to eat in a big way. I was hangry. I pulled over, turned down my dispatching radio, and used this tool. Everything calmed down for me in no time at all I was then able to continue on with the busy time until it died down long enough to take a break. I was very grateful for this knowledge at that very moment.

Just Breathe Guided Meditation

There could be some pain and discomfort before you can release past hurt fully and get to the good stuff, you are worth it though.
Remember that it is in the past, you are safe from it now.
Always, if you need any help, talk to someone you trust or see a counsellor to work through it safely. There is no shame in reaching out when you need it and there are people there willing to help you.
If you are going through some hard memories, write about it in your journal, scribble it onto a napkin...or go say it to yourself into a mirror. Work through your life's past and any pain. This is for you, not anyone else, so again, no wrong or judged answers. When you are done, you can rip it up, burn it, or crumple it up and throw it into the trash, or walk away from the long as you let it go in some way.
Be honest with yourself, these are for you.
tools i like to use
Grounding yourself is another way to calm your nerves. It is not like when we grounded our kids if they misbehaved. No, it is bringing yourself back to your center, your peace, your very own happy place.
Go for a walk

Visualize a happy place

Touch nature

The 5...4...3...2...1 Method
When we get ourselves grounded it also helps us get into the present moment. We are able to organize our thoughts, and calm our anxieties. When we feel frantic, stressed, in chaos, easily distracted, powerless, spacey, or unconnected to your body and life, we are ungrounded..
Work on a special project

Listen to music

Dance in my living room